Adult Bible Class (9:15-10:15 AM)- classes led by congregation members covering a variety of topics, from the Old Testament to the Epistles
Prayer (10:00-10:30 AM)- gather together for prayer before the worship service
Coffee and Fellowship (11:45 AM-…)- gather together after church for coffee and snacks and catch up with fellow worshipers!
Dr. Martin’s Class (11:30 AM)- lecture based class led by a retired University of Northwestern-St. Paul professor. In-depth Bible lecture on Bible overview, prophecy, and theology. Questions welcome!
OK Bible Study (1:00 PM)- short for “Older Kids” Bible Study, this is a class led by Pastor Tom covering a variety of topics
WMF (9:00 AM, 2nd Saturday of the Month)- short for “Women’s Missionary Federation,” women of all ages gather for food and Bible Study
Campfire Prayer (7:00 PM May-September)- gather together at the fire pit near the church for prayer and fellowship
Men’s Bible Study (8:30-9:30 AM, 1st Saturday of the Month, October-May)- a time for men to gather together for food and a study led by Pastor Tom