Minnesota Valley Church is a member of the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations. There are over 270 member churches located throughout the US, and other partner churches and ministries in Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Uganda, and India.
As a congregation we are mindful that are numerous Christ-centered and biblically based congregations and organizations. We increasingly partner with many, some of which are listed below:

The Association Free Lutheran Bible School is a two year Bible college located in Plymouth, MN.

The Association Free Lutheran Theological Seminary is a graduate school of theology also located in Plymouth, MN.

Alpha Womens Center is a resource to women in all circumstances, and supports women in all aspects of their pregnancy with free ultrasounds, counseling, and more.

The Ambassador Institute and the AFLC World Missions work to bring the good news of Jesus throughout the world.

The AFLC Home Missions works to establish free and living congregations throughout the United States.

The AFLC Youth Ministry works to WIN youth for Jesus Christ, BUILD them up in God’s Word, EQUIP them to reach their peers with the Gospel, and MULTIPLY maturing disciples as servant-leaders.